my name is Eric Krejci, I’m in the virtualization since some time now (started in 2003 and first VCP in 2004 😉 )
I worked at the EPFL for 14 years, I had the opportunity to design, implement and make evolve cutting edge virtualization solutions like vRA, NSX-T, vROPS, vRNI, vSphere, vSAN, VMC on AWS, Hybrid Clouds, VCF, Horizon etc… My last role was SDDC Architect.
Since January 2022, I’m working for VMware as a Senior Technical Account Manager.
I have the chance to work with prime friends like Patrice and Julien who are also posting awesome articles to this blog.
stay tuned for very good article around everything that’s virtualized!!!
some achievements
VCP #436, VCAP #2219, vExpert (since 2019), vExpert NSX, PRO, VMware Cloud on AWS, EMC PP Clariion Specialist, EMC PP NAS Specialist, EMC PP SAN Mgmt Specialist, MCSE, MCDBA, CCA / very, very lucky husband and father
see my achievements on Credly